Environmental Policy

We are committed to adopting and promoting sound environmental principles in an effort to improve our environmental performances.

In order to achieve this we have assessed our environmental inputs and are committed to reducing them. Our environmental policy demonstrates how we will achieve this and we aim to:

Identify and comply with all future environmental legislation and other codes of practice.

Consider the environmental aspects of our services and products and endeavor to reduce these.

Manage waste effectively including initiatives to reduce, re-use, and recycle waste.

Investigate measures to reduce resource use.

Incorporate our environmental consideration into purchasing.

Communicate our environmental aims to those expressing an interest to ensure that continuous improvements are achieved, we will periodically asses the impact associated with our services in order at achieve our environmental goals.

Get In Touch / How To Contact Us

Brierley Coil Tinning
9-37 Westmoor Street

Telephone: 0208 305 9705
Fax: 0208 305 9703
Email: info@brierleycoatings.co.uk